WR - King's Lancer & Mendersham's Defender

bentnose at juno.com bentnose at juno.com
Wed Jul 22 21:03:58 PDT 1998

As you all may know by now, the Shire of Mendersham is hosting King's
Lancer and Mendersham's Defender on the weekend of August 28, 29, & 30. 
This announcement is to let all of the heavy fighters know what the
tournament will be for this year's defender.  Sir Abd al-Mahadi Jamal ibn
Hakim, the current defender of Mendersham has decreed that we will be
fighting a Swiss Five again this year.  He will also be the Marshal in
Charge for the heavy fighting as well as the one who will be fighting the
dreaded bye.  I look forward to seeing everyone at our event, come and
have fun.

In Service to the Dream and the Kingdom

Lord Angus Ducnan Cameron
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