WR - Update on Rachel

Warren T. Klinger bentnose at juno.com
Wed Mar 18 17:28:45 PST 1998

I thought that I would update everyone on Rachel's condition.  Please
continue to pray for her and our family.  She has made a decision that
was tough and while I don't like it; I will support her.  Her
cardiologist did some more tests and could not explain the anomalies that
came up and told us that he could not do anything more for her and would
like her to go to Baylor College of Medicine and let them run tests and
try to figure it out.  She decided against this avenue, because she is
tired of all the tests, the needles, the pain, and especially her quality
of life, or lack there of.  So, no more doctors and when her medicine
runs out, then no more pills.  She has decided that if it is the Lord's
will, then she will survive and if not, then she is going home to be with
him.  So, like I said just keep us in your prayers.

Until next time,


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