WR - blonde

Chiang chiang at odsy.net
Mon May 4 20:48:01 PDT 1998

   That one was funny, thanks. I still don't think your a true blonde though.

  Chiang, Minister of Caring & Understanding for the House Crane
 and the Sacrificial Seneschal for the Barony of Bonwicke 

-----Original Message-----
From:	Jan Van Zandt [SMTP:mysticmarks at hotmail.com]
Sent:	Monday, May 04, 1998 6:30 PM
To:	western at Ansteorra.ORG
Subject:	WR - blonde

Chiang: I've always worn headgear.  SCA and mundane. Lately I've been 
letting my hair down more.   I still run into people who are astounded 
that I'm not red-headed like Regina.  
Blonde joke:
  The blonde's house caught on fire.  frantically, she called the fire 
department.  She said to the fireman, "Hurry, hurry, my house is on 
fire."  He said, " yes ma'am! How do we get there?"  She said, "Well, 
duh, don't you still have that big red truck???"
HLady Jan

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