WR - Western Sentinel

SUSAN M GALINDO lilystar at juno.com
Mon Oct 19 08:05:02 PDT 1998

Blacklake had a wonderful turn out for the Western Sentinel Tournament.
Here are the winners in the competitions that I'm aware:

Sentinel Winner: Lord Chiang Ti Lung
Western Sentry: HE Theodric Afraims
Arts & Sciences: HE Theodric
Best Documentation: HE Theodric
First Entry in Arts & Sciences: Magnus
Favor/Token Contest: HL Adelaide
Caber Toss: not sure
Sheep Toss: Drew
Rock Pull: Mongo
Autumn Sovereign (Queen of Lust & Booty): 1st Runner up: Master
Winner: Lady Aziza

Sir Aaron MacGregor chose the new Western Regional Warlord and it is Lord
Chiang Ti Lung. Congratulations! Mongo made the evenings ceremonies lots
of fun and now everyone talk real funny - mostly like caveman.

Friday night real windy. Saturday sprinkled a little bit, then got cold
front, then got sunny/hot and no breeze. They say if you stand still long
enough in West Texas the weather will change. 

Thanks to the members of the college of heralds for attending Western

It was fun!
HL Adelaide Walcheman
Shire of Blacklake
Western Region

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