WR - Heraldry

Larkin O'Kane [AKA Charlie Cain] larkin at webstar.net
Tue Sep 22 11:06:35 PDT 1998

I have taken the liberty of forwarding this from Lord Bjorn's September Report.
For those who have heraldic questions please take note.

> One more thing, there will be a Heraldry consulting table set up at
> Western Sentinel, the person who is running it will be HL Gwenllian ferch
> Maredudd, who is the Kingdom Asterisk Herald, (the person who all heraldic
> submissions are sent to at kingdom level), so who better to ask your
> questions of. If you are planning to ask her a name or device question she
> requests that you email her ahead of time that she can bring the proper
> reference materials. Her email address is werisman at mail.utexas.edu

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