WR - Refresher: New service available...

Pug Bainter pug at pug.net
Sat Sep 26 07:24:13 PDT 1998

Good Morning,

  For those group and regional officers and territorial nobility that
  want an address relayed from Ansteorra.ORG, please contact me. I will
  setup an alias that will go to your usual email box, but you can
  then publish <title>@<group>.Ansteorra.ORG.

  NOTE: I have already setup addresses for the Great Officers of State
        and the Crown. These are setup as Crown at Ansteorra.ORG,
        Seneschal at Ansteorra.ORG, Chronicler at Ansteorra.ORG, etc.

  This service is being offered for two reasons. The first is because
  someone requested it. The second is there are those who are concerned
  for privacy and would not like to have their personal email address
  widely published. This will allow them to publish an address that is
  not directly traceable to their personal account. (Not to mention the
  usage of Vanity email addresses.)

  For the short term, the ability to have an email address relayed from
  Ansteorra.ORG is limited to just the officers and territorial nobility
  of each group. After this is all worked out to my satisfaction, this
  service will be offered to any who care to have it.

  If your group's Virtual Scribe, Officers, and/or Nobility are not on
  this list, but you think they might be interested, please forward this
  to them.


Phelim "Pug" Gervase  |  "The problem's plain to see
Barony of Bryn Gwlad  |   Too much technology."
House Flaming Dog     |   
pug at pug.net           |   --Styx
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