Sir Kief deer_kief at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 23 10:27:10 PDT 1999

A web friendly version can be found at:




SirKief at hotmail.com

Kingdom of Ansteorra

Youth Boffer and Youth Chivalric Rules and Guidelines 
(Third Draft)



	A. Rules of the list
	B. Marshalate Guidelines
	C. Authorization Guidelines
	D. Parent/Legal Guardian Responsibilities

	A. Three boffer divisions
		1. 6-9 
		2. 10-12
		3. 13-15
	B. Youth Chivalric division
		1. 16-17
	C. Exceptions 
	D. No Exceptions

	A. “New Page” 		(Cubs)		6-9 years 
	B. “Page” 		(Tigers)	10-12 years
	C. “Page Adept”		(Bears)		13-15 years
	D. “Junior Combatant”	(Young Lions)	16-17 years 


The Earl Marshal and/or the Deputy Earl Marshal for Youth Combat will 
consider any “Exceptions” to these Rules and Guidelines on a Case-by-
Case basis.



These Rules and Guidelines apply to all Youth Boffer Divisions, Ages 
6 - 15 and the Youth Chivalric Division Age 16 - 17. Specific 
differences between the divisions are addressed in DIVISIONAL 


A. Rules of the List

1. Each Combatant shall maintain (keep) control over his/her temper 
at all times.  

2. Combatants shall behave in a Courteous, Honorable, and Chivalrous 
manner at all times.

3. Combatants must accept any blow that hits them if it is fair and 
honorable, clean, unimpeded (not blocked), and purposely-delivered 

4. No Combatant will deliver or accept blows from two inches (2”) 
above the knee to the tips of the toes and from one inch (1”) above 
the wrist to the tips of the fingers.

5. A blow to the body, shoulder, or head is accepted as a “killing” 
blow. Any blow to the arm or leg results in the loss of that limb 
(“injures” the arm or leg).
Combatants may, after the loss of a leg, fight from a seated or 
kneeling position. “Walking” on the knees is prohibited. 

6. The Field of Honor (list field) will not be used to settle 

7. An angry Combatant should leave the field.

8. Any behavior that takes deliberate advantage of an opponent’s 
Chivalry or safety-consciousness, or that takes deliberate unfair 
advantage of an opponent is prohibited (breaks the Rules).  Such 
infractions (broken Rules) may include, but are not limited to, the 

a. Corkscrewing (walking around) a grounded opponent 

b. During any Combat, either Tournament or Melee, there will be no 
blows delivered or accepted from behind (from behind a Combatant’s 
back). Any inadvertent blows (blows that hit from behind by mistake) 
shall not be accepted (shall not count). Any repeated offense will 
result in the removal of the Combatant.

c. Striking a “helpless” opponent (Hitting someone that cannot defend 

d. Intentionally becoming “helpless” by repeatedly dropping weapons, 
falling down, purposefully ignoring valid attempts to gain a 
Combatant’s attention, etc. 

e. Grappling (wrestling) with, or kicking, an opponent’s equipment or 

f. Intentionally moving an illegal target into the path of a blow. 

g. Striking with excessive force (hitting too hard)

h. Expecting to be struck with what would be considered excessive 
force before acknowledging a blow. (No “Rhino-Hiding” - expecting to 
be hit too hard)

i. Using any weapon, or other piece of equipment, in a manner that is 
inconsistent with its design (that it was not made for) or in an 
otherwise prohibited (forbidden) manner.


B. Marshalate Guidelines

1. The activity of Youth Combat within Ansteorra shall be regulated 
and monitored solely by the Office of the Kingdom Earl Marshal, 
through the Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal for Youth Combat and any 
other Authorized Deputies.

2. The Marshal on the field is expected to take an active role in 
safety, sportsmanship and assistance with blow calling. Especially 
concerning the youngest Combatants.

3. There shall be two types of Marshals: The Adult Boffer Marshal, 
and the
Youth Boffer Marshal

a. An Adult Boffer Marshal is a person over the age of 18 authorized 

(1. Marshal on the Boffer Combat field 

(2. Inspect weapons and armor of Boffer Combat

(3. Teach the Pre-Authorization Class 

(4. Authorize Youth Combatants in all four Boffer classes

(5. Authorize Youth Marshals in all four Boffer classes

It is STRONGLY SUGGESTED that an Adult Boffer Marshal have a current 
authorization to marshal Adult Chivalric and/or Rapier Combat.

b. A Youth Marshal is a person in the 13 – 17 age bracket authorized 

(1. Marshal on the field of Boffer Combat under supervision of an 
Adult Boffer Marshal

(2. Inspect weapons and armor of Boffer Combat under supervision of 
an Adult Boffer Marshal

c. All Youth Marshals are required to attend to Pre-Authorization 
Class in the Division appropriate for them.

d. There must be an authorized Adult Boffer Marshal and a Youth 
Marshal present on the field while combat is in progress.  If no 
warranted Adult Boffer Marshal is present, combat is not permitted. 
If no Youth
Marshal is present then two Adult Boffer Marshals must be available.

e. Adult Boffer Marshals are responsible for combat security. This 
includes, but is not limited to, checking weapons, observing combat, 
warning a Combatant of inappropriate or dangerous actions, 
disallowing dangerous weapons, and, if necessary, removing a 
Combatant from the field.

f. It is suggested to allow Youth Marshals as much control and 
authority over Boffer Combat and Youth Chivalric Combat as possible. 
However the final responsibility on the field is with the Adult 
Boffer Marshal. In case a Combatant refuses to accept the judgment of 
a Youth Marshal, the Youth Marshal shall be charged with calling hold 
on the field until an Adult Marshal resolves the situation, if 
necessary. Decisions can result in removing a Combatant from the 

g. Prior to any Combat (Official Combatant Practice, Tournament, or
Melee) all Combatants’ armor must be inspected on the body, weapons 
must be inspected, and shall meet all Safety and Armor Requirements 
pertaining to the appropriate Division. An Adult Boffer Marshal or a 
Youth Marshal under supervision of an Adult Boffer Marshal must do 
all inspections.

i. All Combatants must be Authorized before participating in any
Tournament or Melee combat.  


C. Authorization Guidelines

1. All Combatants, along with a Parent or Legal Guardian, must attend 
a Pre-Authorization Class taught by an Authorized Marshal. The Class 
will outline the Rules and Guidelines found within this Handbook. A 
different Class will be given for each Division. A Combatant changing 
Divisions will be expected to take the next appropriate Class, along 
with the Parent/Legal Guardian, before Authorizing in the next 

2. Combatants will be expected to know the Rules in general, the 
legal targets, proper armor, proper force, etc. Parents/Legal 
Guardians are expected to know the Rules in depth, to insure their 
child is properly armed and armored within the Rules and safe.

3. Authorization Cards will be given to the Parent/Legal Guardian.
Cards must be presented to the Marshal in Charge or List Official 
before any Combat begins (Official Combatant Practice, Tournament, or 
Melee). A Wavier for Full Contact Competition must be on file with 
the Marshalate Secretary before an Authorization card will be issued. 
Authorizations are for THREE
YEARS, or until the Child moves up to the next Division.

4. In authorizing new Combatants, the Marshal shall question the
Combatant on legal target areas, the amount of force necessary to 
deliver and call a blow, and proper armor. The Marshal shall have the 
Combatant fight an Authorization bout with another child of the same 
Division if possible. If not the Marshal may substitute a Youth 
Boffer Marshal for an opponent. The child shall demonstrate the 
ability to throw a blow to a legal target area safely and receive a 
blow properly.


E. Parents/ Legal Guardians Responsibilities

1. Parents/Legal Guardians are to understand this is a full contact 
sport similar to Football, Hockey, Lacrosse, or Karate. 

2. Parents/Legal Guardians are to have their child’s Authorization 
Card in their possession at all time when Combat Activities (Official 
Practice, Tournament, or Melee) are occurring.

3. Parents/Legal Guardians are to be present AT ALL TIMES while their 
child is engaged in Combat activities. “Present” is defined as within 
visual and vocal range of their child. (NOTE: This does not mean 100 
yards away, but close proximity to the Combat Field) The child or 
Marshal(s) on the field should be able to find the Parents/Legal 
Guardians immediately. 

a. (The Parents/Legal Guardians need not be present to observe the 
Combat in Age Divisions 13 – 15 and 16 – 17, although it is HIGHLY 
RECOMMENDED that they do remain and observe.)

4. Parents/Legal Guardians are to behave as persons of Gentle birth, 
in a Courteous and Honorable manner at all times. The Marshal on the 
field has control of the Youth Boffer Combat area. The Marshal on the 
field may have a Parent/Legal Guardian and Combatant removed for 
improper behavior.




A. There shall be three (3) Youth Boffer Divisions:

1. Ages 6-9	called “New Page” 		(Cubs)

2. Ages 10-12 	called “Page”			(Tigers)

3. Ages 13-15 	called “Page Adept”		(Bears)


B. There shall be one Youth Chivalric Division: 

1. Ages 16-17	called “Junior Combatant”	(Young Lions)


C. Exceptions

1. At no time shall there be combat between the different divisions.

a. EXCEPTION - The Marshalate recognizes that some children will be 
very small or very large for their age. These children MAY, at the 
request of their Parents/Legal Guardians, and on a CASE-BY-CASE basis 
determined by the Kingdom Earl Marshal or Deputy Kingdom Earl Marshal 
for Youth Combat, be moved up or down one Division as appropriate.

(1. EXCEPTION - AT NO TIME will a child under the age of 16 be 
allowed to participate in the Youth Chivalric Division.


D. At no time shall any Adult engage in Combat with, or Train, anyone 
under the age of 18 in a manner that results in the bruising of or 
injury to the minor.




A. CHILDREN’S BOFFER DIVISION: Age 6 - 9 years  “New Page” (Cubs)

1. Minimum Required Armor

a. Head - Marshalate approved helm with face protection. Sport-type 
helmets such as hockey and lacrosse with wire facemasks are 
acceptable. Chinstrap is required. Spacing on helm bars should be 
adequate to prevent boffer from hitting face. 

b. Neck - Lightweight Gorget is required. Minimum of light leather.

c. Torso - Must be covered by shirt, tunic, bodice, etc. Kidney 
protection is not required. For females: As a girl matures, she must 
also have adequate breast protection, e.g. quilted material tunic, 
light leather or equivalent.

d. Arms - Long sleeves are required. Minimum of lightweight cloth.  
Light Gloves are required for hands. Elbow joint protection is not 

e. Legs - Long pants, or sweats required. Minimum of lightweight 
cloth. Sturdy shoes are required. No open-toed shoes or sandals. Knee 
joint protection is not required.

f. Groin- Minimum protection is sports cup, padded skirt or 

2. Recommended Armor

a. A full coif (padded) and mouthpiece are highly recommended.

3. Weapon Standards

a. All weapons will be made of non-reinforced foam rubber.

b. No thrusting weapons will be allowed.

c. Weapons may be covered with single layer, loosely wrapped duct 
tape for support.

d. Only single-handed weapons (Swords, maces, axes, etc.) will be 
allowed. No great or two-handed weapons. Mass weapons should have 
no “mass” to them.

e. Basket hilts are not required.

4. Shield Standards


b. Materials allowed are wood, plastic, or aluminum or equivalent.

c. All edges must be covered by tubing, leather, or foam. Pipe
Foam padding is highly recommended.

d. Shape should be recognized as SCA shield.

e. Shields shall be reasonable in size proportional to Combatant.

f. There shall be no projecting points, bolts, etc. Any such must be 
covered by a layer of leather, close-cell foam, or several layers 
(minimum of 4) of duct or fiber-reinforced strapping tape.

5. Blow Calibration

a. Touch only. Any blows that touch the opponent’s body area will be 
accepted. Groin shots, while legal, are to be discouraged.

b. All Combatants are presumed to be wearing only a loincloth

c. Any Combatant using force sufficient to bruise or injure an 
opponent will, after one warning, be removed from the field.

6. Educational Goals  (optional)

a. Introduction into the Graces of Chivalric Combat, Honorable 
Conduct, and Field Etiquette

b. Explanation and practice in use, function, and techniques of Youth 
Boffer Weapons

c. Familiarization with the format of Field Heraldry.

7. Training at Official Activities (Fighter Practice, Events):

a. Training will consist of the following:

(1. Parents can actively train their own children as long as there is 
no forceful contact with their child.

(2. Only Authorized Adult Boffer Marshals may train children other 
than their own only if the Parents/Legal Guardians are present and 
then only without forceful contact with the minor.

(3. Authorized Youth Marshals may demonstrate techniques to children 
outside their Age Division as long as there is no forceful contact 
and only under direct supervision by an Adult Boffer Marshal.

(4. Youth Combatants may train against other Youth Combatants in 
their own Age Division.


B. YOUTH BOFFER DIVISION: Age 9- 12 years “Page” (Tigers)

1. Minimum Required Armor

a. Head- Marshalate approved helm with face protection. Sport-type 
helmets such as hockey and lacrosse with wire facemasks are 
acceptable. Chinstrap is required. Spacing on helm bars should be 
adequate to prevent boffer from hitting face. Camail, coif, or 
equivalent is required to prevent access to neck or throat.

b. Neck- Lightweight Gorget covering the larynx and cervical spine is 
required. Minimum of light leather.

c. Torso - Must be covered by shirt, tunic, bodice, etc. Kidney 
protection is not required.  For females: As a girl matures, she must 
also have adequate breast protection, e.g. quilted material tunic, 
light leather or equivalent. Sternum and xiphoid protection is 
required. Minimum light leather backed with 1/2” closed cell foam.

d. Arms - Long sleeves are required. Minimum of lightweight cloth.  
Light Gloves are required for hands. Elbow joint protection is 
required. Minimum of soft elbow pads.

e. Legs - Long pants, or sweats required. Minimum of lightweight 
cloth. Sturdy shoes are required. No open-toed shoes or sandals. Knee 
joint protection is required. Minimum of soft knee pads.

f. Groin- Minimum protection is sports cup, padded skirt, or 

2. Recommended Armor

a. Mouthpiece is recommended. Leather half-gauntlets and leather 
covered elbow and knee pads are recommended.

3. Weapon Standards

a. All non-thrusting type weapons must consist of:
(1. 1/2 inch I.D. PVC (Schedule 40) minimum.

(2. Both ends of PVC must be capped. 

(3. Two layers of fiber-reinforced strapping tape.

(4. 1/2 inch foam extending the length of the boffer to 1 and 1/2 
inch past tip of PVC.

(5.  Minimum one layer duct tape wrapped loosely.

b. All thrusting type weapons must consist of the above listed 
construction plus:

(1. Thrusting tip - Consisting of Foam and tape, loosely wrapped, a 
minimum 2 and 1/2 inches in diameter and extending 4 inches past PVC. 
Tip should be sturdy enough to not completely fold over upon impact.

c. All thrusting weapons must be disassembled and inspected for 
structural damage once a year.

d. Only single-handed weapons (Swords, maces, axes, etc.) will be 
allowed. No great or two-handed weapons. Mass weapons should have 
no “mass” to them.

e. Basket hilts are required. Minimum construction of foam and tape. 
Plastic is OK, metal is NOT recommended.

4. Shield Standards


b. Materials allowed are wood, plastic, or aluminum or equivalent.

c. All edges must be covered by tubing, leather, or foam. Pipe
Foam padding is highly recommended.

d. Shape should be recognized as SCA shield.

e. Shields shall be reasonable in size proportional to Combatant.

f. There shall be no projecting points, bolts, etc. Any such must be 
covered by a layer of leather, close-cell foam, or several layers 
(minimum of 4) of duct or fiber-reinforced strapping tape.

5. Blow Calibration

a. Solid contact, no force required. Any blow that firmly connects 
will be accepted. Use of force is to be discouraged. Groin shots, 
while legal, are to be discouraged.

b.  All Combatants are presumed to be wearing a quilted coif and 
tunic only.

c. Any Combatant using force sufficient to bruise or injure an 
opponent will, after one warning, be removed from the field.

6. Educational Goals (optional)

a. Introduction to assisting List Official, Herald, Marshal, or Event 

b. Introduction to gaming, weapons and armor construction.

c. Refinement of techniques in defense, accuracy, and speed.

d. Continued development in the Graces of Chivalric Combat, Honorable 
Conduct, and Etiquette both on the field and off.

7. Training at Official Activities (Fighter Practice, Events):

a. Training will consist of the following:

(1. Parents can actively train their own children as long as there is 
no forceful contact with their child.

(2. Only Authorized Adult Boffer Marshals may train children other 
than their own only if the Parents/Legal Guardians are present and 
then only without forceful contact with the minor.

(3. Authorized Youth Marshals may demonstrate techniques to children 
outside their Age Division as long as there is no forceful contact 
and only under direct supervision by an Adult Boffer Marshal.

(4. Youth Combatants may train against other Youth Combatants in 
their own Age Division.


C. TEEN BOFFER DIVISION: Age 13-15 (The Bears)

1. Minimum Required Armor

a. Head- Marshalate approved helm with face protection. Sport-type 
helmets such as hockey, lacrosse with wire facemasks are acceptable 
if re-enforced with leather or metal. Chinstrap is required. Spacing 
on helm bars is a maximum 1/2” to prevent PVC from penetrating. 
Camail or coif or equivalent is required to prevent access to neck or 
throat in conjunction with gorget.

b. Neck - Gorget covering the larynx and cervical spine is required. 
Minimum of medium leather.

c. Torso - Must be covered by shirt, tunic, bodice, etc. Kidney 
protection is required along with rigid Sternum and xiphoid 
protection. Minimum medium leather backed with 1/2” closed cell foam. 
Kydex, metal scale, plate etc. are acceptable.  Females must also 
have adequate breast protection, e.g. quilted material tunic, light 
leather or equivalent. 

d. Arms - Long sleeves are required. Minimum of lightweight cloth.  
Light Gloves are required for hands protected by basket hilts or 
shield baskets. Minimum leather gauntlets required for use of two-
handed weapons. Elbow joint protection is required. Minimum elbow 
pads covered with medium leather. Rollerblade or Volleyball style 
pads with hard plastic cup are acceptable.

e. Legs - Long pants, or sweats required. Minimum of lightweight 
Sturdy shoes are required. No open-toed shoes or sandals. Knee joint 
protection is required. Minimum of soft knee pads. Covered with 
medium leather.
Rollerblade or Volleyball style pads with hard plastic cup are 

f. Groin - Minimum protection is sports cup or rigid pubic arch 

2. Recommended Armor

a. Mouth piece is recommended. 

b. Light leather Vambraces and Cuisses are recommended.

c. A 16 gauge metal helm constructed in typical SCA style is 
recommended. (NOTE: bar spacing is 1/2”, NOT 1”)

3. Weapon and Shield Standards

a. Weapon and shield construction must meet all listed Youth Boffer 
age 9-12 materials requirements.

b. Construction of two-handed weapons: 1” PVC (Schedule 40) Both ends 
of PVC must be capped. 1/2 inch foam extending the length of the 
boffer to 1 and 1/2 inch past tip of PVC.

c. Two-handed thrusting weapons, e.g. spears, axes, glaives, great 
swords will be used in Youth Age Division 13 – 15 only.

d. All two-handed, thrusting type weapons must consist of: 
Thrusting tip - leather or rubber, covering the last 12 inches of the 
PVC on the thrusting end. Foam and tape to be a minimum 2 and 1/2 
inch in diameter and extend 3 inches past PVC. Striking tip shall 
also include one half split tennis ball end or equivalent over foam 
on end.

e. Thrusting weapons require inspection for wear and cracks 
immediately before each use.

f. Size limits on two-handed weapons:

(1. Spear – 8’

(2. Axe – 5’

(3. Glaive – 6’

(4. Great Sword – 6’ no more than 18” haft.

4. Blow Calibration

a. Solid, non-glancing contact. Any blow that makes solid edge or 
point contact will be accepted. Use of force is still not to be 
Groin shots, while legal, are to be discouraged.

b. All Combatants are presumed to be wearing mid-thigh leather 
gambison and leather skullcap.

c. Any Combatant using force sufficient to bruise or injure an 
opponent will, after one warning, be removed from the field.

5. Educational Goals (optional)

a. Continued development in all SCA activities: Arts & Sciences, 
Courtly Graces, Games, and Offices. Including encouragement to 
participate in Dance, Theater, and the Gentler Arts.

b. Introduction to Melee Combat.

c. Continued development in the Graces of Chivalric Combat, Honorable 
Conduct, and Etiquette both on the field and off.

6. Training at Official Activities (Fighter Practice, Events):

a. Training will consist of the following:

(1. Parents can actively train their own children as long as there is 
no forceful contact with their child.

(2. Only Authorized Adult Boffer Marshals may train children other 
than their own only if the Parents/Legal Guardians are present and 
then only without forceful contact with the minor.

(3. Authorized Youth Marshals may demonstrate techniques to children 
outside their Age Division as long as there is no forceful contact 
and only under direct supervision by an Adult Boffer Marshal.

(4. Youth Combatants may train against other Youth Combatants in 
their own Age Division.


D. YOUTH CHIVALRIC DIVISION: Age 16 through 17 “Junior Combatant” 
(Young Lion)

1. Required protective armor:

a. Standard Ansteorran minimum. Xiphosternum protection strongly 

2. Accepted armor convention:

a. Standard Ansteorran convention: Open faced Spangenhelm, nasal, 
mail drape across lower face. Mail coif, mail Halberk to mid-thigh. 
Hardened and splinted leather Vambraces and Cuisses. 

3. Blow Description:

a. Standard Ansteorran conventions: An emphasis on calling MINIMUM 
strength blows will be taught. Any Combatant using excessive force or 
striking with intent to injure an opponent will, after one warning, 
be removed from the field. 

b. Excessive Force and Intent to Injure rules will be STRICTLY 

4. Weapons construction:

a. Standard Rattan weapons conventions will be followed. 

b. Fiberglass Spears and Unpadded Glaives (6’ – 7 1/2’) will not be 

5. Education and instruction (optional) should include:

a. Continued development in all SCA activities: Arts & Sciences, 
Courtly Graces, Games, and Offices. Including encouragement to 
participate in Dance, Theater, and the Gentler Arts.

b. Continued development in the Graces of Chivalric Combat, Honorable 
Conduct, and Etiquette both on the field and off.



Acknowledging a blow: acting as if a real weapon had hit you

Armor inspection: having the marshal look at your armor to make sure 
it follows the rules

Authorize: having a marshal make sure you are doing it right and 

Blow: when the weapon hits you

Chivalrous manner: behaving correctly and following the rules

Combatant: the people who are fighting

Corkscrewing: walking around your opponent when he can't turn to face 

Excessive force: hitting too hard

Field of Honor: the field where you're fighting

Forbidden areas: areas of the body you're not allowed to hit-the 
hands, and from the knees to the feet

Grappling: wrestling with your opponent

Helpless opponent: someone who can't defend against your weapon

Illegal target: a part of the body that is not allowed to be hit (see 
forbidden areas)

Inadvertent: by mistake

Infractions: breaking the rules

Injured limb: an arm or leg that has taken a hit from a weapon

Killing blow: a hit from a weapon that might have killed you if the 
weapon were real

List Official: the person who keeps records of the fights (also called
List Mistress or List Master)

Marshal: the person in charge of the fight who keeps everything safe 
and within the rules

Melee: lots of people all fighting at once

Tournament: a series of fights that determines a winner


The Earl Marshal and/or the Deputy Earl Marshal for Youth Combat will 
consider any “Exceptions” to these Rules and Guidelines on a Case-by-
Case basis.

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