WR - On-line Ansteorra : The Next Generation...
Pug Bainter
pug at pug.net
Mon Apr 26 09:49:25 PDT 1999
Good Morning one and all,
It has come time for the Kingdom of Ansteorra to step forward into the
Electronic Age again. I am asking for all of your help in this.
We have been limping along with our current configuration of having a
single website for the Kingdom, with the Officers and Orders required
to host their webpages on someone's personal account. At the Kingdom's
Red Tape Event I proposed that we put this to and end by purchasing
our own server. This server would allow for the different officers and
groups to host webpages as well as mail boxes. This configuration
would bring the Kingdom many benefits including:
o Consistent naming for groups webpages.
o Consistent location for officer's pages even when the office
changes hands.
o Consistent email address for the officers, Crown, and Territorial
o Ability for the officers to work on better webpages since they will
not be constrained to the whims of their ISP or employeer.
This doesn't even include the issues of websites disappearing due to
individuals losing their account or someone's work chastising them for
this personal information.
In order to accomplish this goal though, we need to raise some money.
I am hoping that many of you will help in this endeavor to better our
Many of you may be asking why this will benefit you since it is aimed
for the officers. This benefits everyone in this Kingdom by bringing
in new and old members alike. The easier it is for people to find us
and the activities we perform, the easier it is for them to show up at
our events and activities. As well, it will let you find the activities
and interests you have easier and quickly without having to hunt for
the information.
If you wish to donate money to help our Kingdom, please send it to the
Kingdom Treasurer, Baroness Mirrim of Bristol. These can be mailed to:
Margaret Mitchell
10509 North Platt River Dr.
Austin, TX 78748
Do not give me money! Give it to Mirrim. Make sure that she is told
that it is to go towards the Kingdom's Internet server.
Just to get an idea of how important the people at the Red Tape event
thought this endeavor was, they passed the hat there and came up with
$300 just from what people had in their pockets at the time.
We are looking to raise near $2000 for a new Dell system with 3 years
warranty with on-site coverage. It is expected that this system
would serve Ansteorra's needs for some years to come. There may be
the possibility of using used systems for other purposes, but the
primary system is desired to be guaranteed for ensured reliability and
Btw, it is possible that price would be lower by the time we purchase
the system at the rate systems are dropping in price. The price has
already lowered $100 since the Red Tape event.
Those people who wish to have more details of what the final proposed
configuration is, please contact me privately. I do not wish to waste
the time of those individuals who do not want the details.
Please feel free to spread this to anyone who may be interested in
assisting our Kingdom.
In Service to the Kingdom,
Phelim "Pug" Gervase | "The problem's plain to see
Barony of Bryn Gwlad | Too much technology."
House Flaming Dog |
pug at pug.net | --Styx
Note: The views do not reflect the SCA nor the Kingdom of Ansteorra.
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