(Fwd) Re: (Fwd) WR - Bardic Work Weekend

larkin at webstar.net larkin at webstar.net
Sat Aug 7 12:42:41 PDT 1999

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date sent:      	Sat, 07 Aug 1999 12:42:18 -0500
From:           	Lady Simone <margiejr at sprintmail.com>
To:             	larkin at webstar.net
Subject:        	Re: (Fwd) WR - Bardic Work Weekend

larkin at webstar.net wrote:

> Hi Simone,
> Your heading came through but no message...
> Larkin

Thanks Larkin.

here is the message that should have come with the heading

Just a reminder that the Quarterly Bardic Work Weekend will be 

Like the last this is an Unoffical event. It is a gathering of bards and
those interested in the Activites of the college to get together and work
on college issues and Bardic works. Like last time the dress is mundane. 
We will be making a feild trip to Elfsea's Folls revels. If you plan on
going with us then bring garb.

Main Item on the Agenda is working on te second draft og the College
Quidelines. If you want a say on the second draft definatly come. There
will be Bardic exchange of materials and a creation session. Along wit
Bardic Circles friday and saterday nite.

I will be providing Breakfast lunch and dinner Saterday and leftovers

There are plenty of hotels in the Area. Down town fort worth is 10-15 min
away. and my yard is large enough for camping


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