WR - Bonwicke's Twelfth Night

Dwayne K Puckett the_dreamcatcher at juno.com
Wed Jan 20 11:28:29 PST 1999

On Tue, 19 Jan 1999 17:10:03 -0600 mbhite at arn.net writes:
>Can someone please the list of activities and what time everything 
>starts for
>Bonwicke's 12th night.....the Blackstar says site opens at noon, can 
>this be

    No, actually it's left......Yes the event kicks off at noon.....too
early or too late??? I'm soooo confused. 

>And what are the rules on the Demonstratuin Tourneys?

  In order to preserve the peace oriented theme of all 12th nights and
still keep the fighters happy we have devised the peaceful demonstration
tourney.  The rules will be explained in full detail a the event, but in
short, it will be judged on persona play as a main factor.
The fighters will be judged on how well they play up their persona and
the authenticity of that period.  

>And do we (will we)have a new Barron and Baroness in Bonwicke?

Not yet, one has not been chosen at this time.

>And why isn't the sky hot pink?
Because it would clash with the electric blue grass silly!!!
Any other questions? Just ask.
Gunnr Gargan,  husband of the pregnant autocrat, so direct any questions
my way at the event for safety sake!
>May we meet on the field as friends,
>Marquet de la Heyt
>Student to Don Donovan
>Shire of Adlersruhe, Ansteorra


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