WR - All Hallows Eve...

enforcer_74 at email.com enforcer_74 at email.com
Thu Jul 1 14:53:49 PDT 1999

 Greetings to one and all in the Western Region! I am Logan Macleod of the Clan Macleod, and lowly KM of Crossroads Keep.
 As some may have already seen in the recent Blackstar, our shire is presenting "All Hallows Eve," an event set to take place Halloween Weekend. As autocrat, I would like to thank those that have helped me put this event together, but I must once again ask for your assistanc...
 We have decided to hold two main heavy fighting tournaments: one list tourney, and one melee tourney.
 I have the workings of the list tourney already in hand, but the melee has me somewhat perplexed, and I believe offers a chance for my fellow Western Regioners to show off their creativity.
 I am trying to decide on a theme and working order for the melee, and I want it based around the idea of All Hallows Eve. It doesn't matter what religion or ethnic culture... I am just looking for ideas for a fun tournament (I guess the term "tournament" is somewhat limiting, so understand there doesn't have to one definitive winner... just one winning side.).
 For he (or she... I'm equal opportunity) that comes up with the idea that just makes me slobber all over myself, I will present that most clever person with an award during the event.
 Be original, and... oh, yeah... send the ideas to me! My email is     
     enforcer_74 at email.com 

                       Logan Macleod

   "Do, or do not. There is no try."

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