WR - XXth - Water bearing thanks

Carolyn Rowe ladyceridwyn at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 13 18:30:26 PDT 1999

Greetings!  Now that I have started the recovery process from XXth, I would 
like to extend my gratitude to several people.  First I would like to say 
that after taking on the job of Water Bearer Coordinator, I began to get a 
little nervous.  I had never coordinated any event before, much less on of 
this size.  This would be an event for the history books, and if I failed in 
my task, it would always be a sore memory, not only for me, but for the 
people that counted on me.  With that in mind, I would like to thank Sir 
Galen for the opportunity to serve when I didn't have the experience to back 
me up...that took a lot of faith.

Next on the list of thanks has to be Western Container Corp. and Southwest 
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.  Both companies went above and beyond with their 
donations.  200 bottles were donated by Western Container Corp., and 20 
cases of powdered Powerade were given by Southwest Coca-Cola Bottling Co.  
Mistress Evelyn, I will be forever in your debt for the work you did to make 
these donations possible.

Very large thanks also need to go to my whole crew.  Without you, I would 
not have been able to pull this off.  You were dependable enough to allow me 
the freedom I needed to keep things running on all fronts.  I can't list you 
all here because like Ulrica, I would be typing all day, but there are a few 
that I would like to mention by name.  Ld Cullin McCrandall, you my friend 
kept me sane with your friendship and willingness to serve.  Giovanna, I am 
still getting comments on how well you took care of the Equestrian field!  
Kalen and Abagartis, thank you for always being available to drive me on ice 
runs.  And lastly, Ld Yoshiie, thank you for relieving Ld Cullin and I on 
Sunday when we had reached our limits.

My final thanks has to go to the populace of Ansteorra.  The kind words and 
support we received from you (especially from the fighters) kept us charged 
to complete our task.  It truly removed the burden from the job and turned 
it to joy.

In the name of the dream,

L. Ceridwyn Wilsford
Kingdom Water Bearer

PS  Since I have taken over the office of kingdom water bearer, I would like 
a private e-mail from anyone currently holding or interested in holding the 
local offices.

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