WR - Amber Challenge--New Info

Bob Dewart gilli at seacove.net
Tue Mar 30 16:50:28 PST 1999

Greetings all and Hi there,

My apologies to those who will get thie announcement more than once.

This is a friendly reminder to all about my Kingdom award insignia
competition.  It's simple, the Ansteorran branch or individual that best
beats the number of Kingdom award insignia that I turn in turn to HL
Michelle, who is the Deputy Sable Scroll (Reglia) see Black Star for her
info, can win as much as 6 pounds of Amber.  See page 16 in the March Black
Star for more information.

I had planed on turning in a max of 150.  But, due to medical reasons, I
will not be turning in any.  That's right 0, none , nada.  So beating what I
turn in shouldn't be a problem.  But, to best beat it, well.....all I know
is that the 6 pounds of Amber will be award at the next Coronation.  5
pounds to the Kingdom branch or individual who best beats and 1 pound to the
best individual effort.  (yes, it is possible for one person to win it all,
if they compete as and individual)

Thanks for you time,


gilli at seacove.net

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