ANST-Announce - Ansteorran Guild of European Dancers

Russell Kinder russmax at
Tue Nov 2 19:11:12 PST 1999

Gentles of Ansteorra,

   Let me introduce myself. I am H.L. Guillaume de Troyes, newly elected
proctor of the Ansteorran Guild of European Dancers (A.G.E.D.). I am a
dance teacher and performer in the shire of Mooneschadowe, in the
Northern region of Ansteorra.

   The bylaws of the Guild specify that I am to "Maintain a current
roster of dance teachers in Ansteorra," among other duties. 

   If you are in charge of dance instruction, or help teach dance in
your local group, please contact me. If your dance teacher is not online
to receive this announcement, please print it out and give it to
her/him, and have them contact me. I want to know the following information:

    Society Name (and title)
    Mundane Name
    Name of your local SCA group
    Some way for me to contact you, preferably e-mail or phone
    Types of dances you like to teach
    A list of all the dances you know
    Anything else you'd like to tell me about your current projects,
dance group, research, etc.

   Here is how to contact me:

russmax at

regular mail
Russell Kinder
P.O. Box 411
Stillwater, OK 74076


If you are a dancer in Ansteorra, I recommend the Ansteorra dance list
Ansteorra-Dancers at Ansteorra.ORG

   I am highly interested in learning about all court dance activities
in the Kingdom of Ansteorra. I also want to hear from dance musicians in
the kingdom.

In service,
Hon. Lord Guillaume de Troyes
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