WR - Earlier posting by me

H.L. Agnarr Thorvaldsson agnarr at apex2000.net
Sat Nov 6 00:52:38 PST 1999

Friends I feel that I am guilty of sending a spam to you all earlier tonight on cookies. I was asked by my mother to read it and to forward it if I thought you all might be interested and that is what I ended up doing but in the process I did not think that I was guilty of sending out a spam message to you all and for doing so I apologize.  For you see I personally get irate when I receive spam mail. and then I end up doing it to you all. And as for when this was cookie message was first sent out I personally have no idea but it had a ring of truth after my recent and long ordeal with a big company over a issue of warranty coverage. (that a different story)  So to you all I apologize and I will make all attempts in the future to not do this again.
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