WR - Ghosts & Ghouls Galore!!!

Thomas Jenkins enforcer_74 at email.com
Mon Oct 25 20:36:41 PDT 1999

Greetings unto one and all!
"All Hallows Eve" is almost upon us, and the folks of Crossrode Keep are
hard at work preparing for the onslaught of ghosts and ghouls for their
Halloween event.
Please remember to bring plenty of candy with you, as the smalls will get
the chance to "trick or treat" (some of these little fellers are pretty
malicious, so if I were you, I'd lean more towards the treat...) Saturday
We have really gone all out to make this a family event, so there will be
something for everyone (yes, yes... even us BIG kids).
There will be heavy and light fighting tournaments, along with classes as
well (Britta the Brute has agreed to teach a class in fighting for female
fighters and those of us that train female fighters... You know I wouldn't
miss that one, oh Brutely One!).
And for those of us that like gold ol' West Texas cooking, rejoice! Feast
will be a Lone Star style barbecue dinner, with all of the appropriate
trimmings (are devilled eggs period? Hmmmm... Ah, who cares!).
Also planned, and I must say one of the things I am looking so forward to,
will be the bardic competition. The theme is "All Hallows Eve," and other
spooky tales from the middle ages, and some of my spies tell me that several
of the Western Region's best bards will be there. Hey, where are the
Also, I have something very special (and very secret... hehehehehe) planned
for court. Definitley something you won't want to miss (of course, anytime
my brother Ian and I are in court, there's bound to be something wierd going
If anyone has any last minute questions or requests, please email me ASAP.

In Service to Causes I've
Probably Never Heard Of,
And Probably Don't Want To,

Logan Macleod of the
Clan Macleod
KM Crossrode Keep
Squire to Sir Aaron,
keeper of the sacred

"We don't have time to discuss this with a committee!"
- Han Solo

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