ANST-Announce - TRF Mask Competition

StephenMacthomas at StephenMacthomas at
Thu Oct 28 10:54:48 PDT 1999

Greetings to all to whom these presents shall come, from Lord Stephen 
Macthomas, patron of the Mask Competition at Texas Renaissance Festival.

As many of you by now are aware, this season of Texas Renaissance Festival is 
a most special one.  To celebrate 25 years of "lifting up our cares", the 
theme this season is the Year of the Silver Masque.  Each evening, a Grand 
Masque is held by the TRF entertainers at the Globe Theatre, followed by 
fireworks over the Tournament Field.  The folks at TRF have asked all 
participants and merchants to carry and/or wear masks during the day, and 
especially during the Parade.

In keeping with this theme, I have sponsored a Mask Competition each weekend 
of the Festival, with the best each week returning on the final day of TRF - 
Sunday, November 14th - for an overall competition for the Best Mask of the 
Festival.  There have been four weekends and thus four winners so far, and 
I'd like to thank everyone that has participated.  That means there are three 
more weekends to go, and three more chances to pick up your very own retired, 
limited edition, undated TRF Real Musgrave Dragon coffee mug - and possibly 
the overall prize as well!

This weekend is a special one, as it brings All Hallow's Eve upon us.  To 
celebrate, we ask all participants to wear masks this weekend, especially on 
Sunday, and to wear a period costume as well.

Rumor has it that there might also be a prize for the best costume this 
weekend ...

All are reminded that TRF policy regarding mundanity of dress is, as always, 
in force, so make sure that your costume provides for headgear.

We hope to see many of you out there this weekend and every weekend 
throughout the Festival!

In your service,
Lord Stephen
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