WR - Lubbock Arts Festival

rlportwood rlportwood at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 10 14:54:27 PDT 2000

Greetings to one and all!  This weekend (15th & 16th) is our Lubbock Arts Festival.  This is a big demo for Bonwicke and really helps us draw new members.  I would ask that if you aren't busy this weekend with an event, to please join us if you can.  We need heavy and light fighters, Arts & Sciences projects for display, beautiful costumes for display, armor for display, etc.
You can come one day or both.  If you are interested in joining us, please e-mail me and I'll give you more details and directions.
It's a fun event with lots of things to do and lots of food to eat.  We will be set up in the Celtic area with many celtic musicians and dance groups.
Hope to see you this weekend!

In Service to Christ and Crown,
Baroness Ascelyn de Bonwicke 
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