WR - Re: Gothic War Negotiations

Joe Light joelight at cableone.net
Tue Apr 11 16:33:26 PDT 2000

There is a Valkrie that walks the land of Midgard.  She is the one who
brings light to my life and holds Fenris at bay during the dark winter
nights.  A king's ransome in gold can not match the gold of her hair and no
gem has ever sparkeled the way her eyes do while she gazes upon me.  The
flavor of mead is bitter and stale compaired to the sweet kisses of her
mouth. I care not if the mongels raze Britiny or whose blood stains my sword
as long as Odin leads me through battle and I have silver and amber to bring
home to my beloved.

I may fight in the Scots army or in the Mongel Hord but wherever I fight, I
fight for Mistress Ulrica.

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