WR - Relay For Life...

T.E. Jenkins enforcer_74 at apex2000.net
Tue Apr 25 12:49:58 PDT 2000

Just a quick update on the American///Cancer///Society Relay for Life the Shire of Crossrode Keep will be participating in on May 12th/13th...
After speaking with event coordinator Stan Haynes, we have been allotted several 30 minute demo spots for fighting. As of right now, I don't have enough light fighting volunteers to do something with rapier combat (hint hint... <grin>), but I do have enough fighters signed up for heavy combat. Stan said he will get me a confirmed schedule of the demo times ASAP, so we can let everyone know for sure.
What I need right now, however, is a CONFIRMED count of all of the heavy fighters that will be able to attend (I understand most of the slots will be for the early afternoon of the 12th) and participate in the demo. 
Any questions about the Relay for Life can be sent to me privately.

In Service to Honor and Truth,

Ld. Logan Macleod
KM Crossrode Keep
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