WR - Agnarr's Back Home and thanks

H.L. Agnarr Thorvaldsson agnarr at apex2000.net
Thu Feb 10 13:07:14 PST 2000

Greetings to all on this list. Just a quick note to you.
I'm now back home from being in the Hospital for a whole week and I am doing a lot better. My lungs and I have come to a new understanding (That I really enjoy breathing oxygen)  The Doctors got me on variety of meds for the next two weeks then the real fun of trying to get rid of all the extra weight the meds are causing me to gain. So I will be back in action real soon and Hope to see you soon.

I just wanted to say thanks for all your kind words that my lady and I received over the net this past week. She has kindly asked that I inform you that Your kind words that she finally had a chance to read was real important and meant a lot to her. SO from both of us Thanks again for your words and prayers

HL Agnarr
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