ANST-Announce - Thanks to those who made Steppes Warlord possible

Brent_Ryder at Brent_Ryder at
Tue May 30 16:01:02 PDT 2000

My clone and I would like to thank everybody who helped make Steppes
Warlord XXVII possible.  I know that there were many, many people who
worked incredibly hard before, during and after the event that I only know
by name and
reputation.  It was good to meet those of you that either camped at the
event or had contact with me on site.  I learned a lot from all of you,
Borek included.  I won't mention specific names (partially because I don't
know if
I would spell them correctly, and also I don't want to leave anyone out),
but all of your hard work was greatly appreciated.  Also, to the many
people who volunteered on site and helped during the "high winds and heavy
THANK YOU!!  It would not have been possible without everyone.



Thank you Isabel, I know I would not have made it through without you and
all the rest. As I worked beforehand to build the crews, I do know quite a
few of the names, but not all. I encourage all my crew chiefs to make their
own Thank You for all those who helped them.

Before the Event, we had the Calligraphers and Illuminators of the Barony
hard at work making the various scrolls for the event

Baroness Alys Durivau made the Invitation Scrolls and organized the
painting crews to illuminate them and get them sent out. She also created
the General award scroll which was magnificent. If you received one, you
know what I mean.

Mistress Ronna and Master Petruccio created the first 'Steppes Warlord'
scroll for the event. It is unfortunate that an accident destroyed it a few
hours before the event. I would like to thank Mistress Aislynn Crystyn for
doing such a beautiful job on the replacement in so short a time.

Lady Chiara Francesca Arianna d'Onofrio created the stunning 'Queen of Love
and Beauty' scroll. There were many glowing comments.

Mistress Lasair took up making the 'Steppes Champion' scroll when time was
running short and I was having trouble finding someone. Thank you for
stepping in and creating such a beautiful work

Lady Elspeth Forbeys created the 'Queen of Grace and Honor' scroll which
was a beautiful match to the 'Steppes Champion' scroll

You all do wonderful work!!!!

Also before the event, HL Suzanna the Herbalist took on the task of making
over 900 site tokens. She consulted with Lady Lavina Bakhous and Lady
Chiara on what they should be and then was helped by Baroness Adelicia,
Lord Erc FitzMungo, HL Lodovico Benevoglio, Master Daniel de Lincoln, and
others in the making of the tokens.

At the event Lady Meredudd Brangwyn helped in getting the golf carts for us
which we could not have done without, went to city hall to get the Food
vendors Health permit and then ran then ran our Children's activities!

The heavy and hot labor of setting up the site was done by Baron Fritz,
Lord William Ironwyrm, Lord Owen Hell, Lord John de Irwyn and his Lady
Elspeth Forbeys and at least five others that I am sorry to say I do not
know there names. I know their faces and will thank them when I see them
next, but I am getting old and my memory is failing.

Gate was run bye Lord John de Irwyn along with the 'no longer incipient'
Canton of Glaslyn and others who volunteered at the site.

Merchant Co-Ordinator was Lady Elspeth Forbeys who did a sterling job in
getting all the merchants in place. I believe we had more merchants at this
Warlord than ever before!

Lord Patric de Long Cour and his Lady Aimee de Long Cour organized and
setup the Equestrian camp, paddock, and list area. Aimee is our first
Equestrian Guild Mistress for the Barony and Aimee and Patric are doing a
splendid job organizing and co-ordinating these activities. They are being
helped and encouraged by Baroness Catrin who was a great help in bringing
this facet of Warlord to us all.

Security for the event was run by Lord Iain McCrimmon and was helped by
many to keep us and our things safe

Lord William Ironwyrm ran the Steppes Archery Competition on Sunday. He was
helped by Lord Owen Hell. It looked like great fun.

Knife Spear and Axe was run by Lord Yan who also made for us a horrific
target in the shape of a monster crawfish. The head of which was presented
to the winner of the competition.

On-site Cooking was run by Lord Charles du Marquet. He did a great job in
getting this organized. It is a shame there were no period cooks in the
kingdom up to the challenge of cooking on site.

The Embroidery Competition was organized yet again by Mistress Kalida
Aristana who chose the apt theme of the Weather. Mistress Kalida has been
running the activity for us for years and she deserves a great round of
thanks from us all for her tireless efforts

The A&S competition was run by HL Lodovico Benevoglio who also supplied the
fabulous prizes for the competition.

The Crown Feast was done by Lord Corwin Magone. The feast was enjoyed by
all and praised by those who attended.

Our List Mistresses were Baroness Adelicia and Lady Ekaterina Iadorovna
Kharlampieva who I believe had assistants, but whom I did not get to meet.

Water Bearer Co-ordinator was the Lady Catherine de Lance. This was her
first event to run an activity and she did an exceptional job. everyone
there owes her a vote of thanks for keeping us all hydrated.

Our Chirurgeons were HL Caradoc Cadwgon Doughlas, the Seneschal of Elfsea
(I told you my memory was shot), and Sir Romanus Vesperanus. There are so
few Chirurgeons in the kingdom that they had to rotate among themselves to
keep this office covered for the event and deserve special thanks for the

Our Knight Marshal, Lady Francesca Laviana Sansovino, organized the
Marshals and helped inspect the fighters as well as Marshaled the entire
event to keep our fighters safe.

Teardown was accomplished by Baron Fritz der Rothirsch, Baroness Catrin
Brynmorgan, Lady Isabel FitzHugh, Lady Lete Bythespring, Lady Ekaterina
Iadorovna Kharlampieva, Lord Owen Hell, Lady Brenna Beldame, Lady Francesca
Laviana Sansovino, Lord Iain McCrimmon, Lady Anna bat Chiam, and several
others whom I did not get a chance to actually meet, but whom I did notice
were there helping.

I would like to give a special thanks to my deputy for allowing me to rest
when I needed to and for being out in the storm trying to save everyone and
get them to the hall; to Lady Anna bat Chaim and Lady Nicolette de Loria
for performing wake-up calls at the crack of dawn and for their tireless
efforts at keeping us informed of what was happening at the event by
performing camp heraldry for us all; to HL Caradoc Cadwgon Doughlas, our
newest journeyman Chirurgeon, for all his care as Chirurgeon for us at the
event as well as his efforts during the storm.

If I have missed anyone, I am sorry, but I thank you for your efforts on
the Barony's and my own behalf

I have been truly privileged to work with so fine a crew. Thank you, Thank
you all!!!

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