WR - Fw: Sentinel XV - Shire of Blacklake

S. m Mount lilystar at juno.com
Tue Oct 3 17:11:52 PDT 2000

Blacklake will be hosting its Fifteenth Annual Sentinel Tournament on
October 6-8th, 2000.

DEFENDER TOURNEY - will warm up with a delightful game of viking
football. Each round will host a different weapon style -single
RAPIER TOURNEY - double elimination with role playing being the key to
this tournament.
Must have a consort to enter both of these tournaments.
MONGO GAMES - Once again Mongo will surprise us with his highland games.
Also bring your games for challenges and gambling purposes. Mongo
welcomes a good challenge.
CLASSES - Ladies bring your sewing, needlework, weaving, spinning or
other work for the ladies circle/discussions. Various classes will be
taught throughout the day. If you would like to teach a class please
contact the steward.
ARTS  & SCIENCES - Full costume/clothing competition (accessories
included). It must have been made by you and documentation required. It
shall be worn by you during the feast. Children are welcome to enter.
BARDIC - Must compete in two of the four categories:
story, song, poem or musical instrument

SITE: Andrews County Park, off of Hwy. 385, Andrews, Texas,  between
Lubbock and Odessa, Texas.   

Site opens at 5:30 p.m., Friday and closes at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday.
SITE IS DRY! No ground fires are permitted. All pets must be kept on a
leash at all times
and have rabies papers presented at gate upon arrival. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Site fee: $7.00  Children (6 to 12) half price
Limit one tent per family. Any extra tents will be required to pay an
extra tent fee. RVs
are $10.00. Minors must be accompanied by a parent/legal guardian. They
may also attend with a 21 year or older adult with a signed and notarized
Minor Event Waiver Form from their parents. 

Lord Sigrun will prepare a sumptous feast. Feast fees: $6.00 Children
half price.
Please make all reservations to the feast-o-crat.
Make all checks payable to: SCA Inc./Shire of Blacklake

Steward:			Feast:
HL Adelaide Walcheman		Lord Sigrun inn Harfagri
Susan Galindo - Mount		Joe LIght
(915)332-6466			(915)552-0350
lilystar at juno.com		joelight at cableone.net
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