ANST-Announce - Stargate Baronial Update

Terri Walker isabeauq at
Sat Sep 2 09:13:15 PDT 2000

Unto the good gentles of Ansteorra 

Please excuse the lengthy post but the following is last minute
information I felt important to relay on the list instead of the web
page.  The following classes will be offered at Stargate's Baronial:

PERIOD PAVILION MAKING                  2:00-3:30       LADY MARGUERITE
Lady Marguerite will provide patterns for people interested in building
a pavilion if they will provide her their desires and dimensions.  She
also has a limited amount of fabric available wholesale.  She can be
contacted at marguerite at or 409/899-1488.

HERALD'S WARRANTING CLASS               11:00-1:00      WILLEM GERRISZ
van WIJE

This class includes a brief overview of pre 16th Century footwear, shoes
and pattens, introduction and patterns to a simplified method of making
elegant fitting and comfortable footgear for Court or everyday wear. 
This pattern, with slight alternations, will encompass several
centuries, countries, and styles.  You can use fabric or leather and sew
by hand or machine.  Pattens can be made out of wood or leather.

Materials are optional if you wish to construct your medieval footgear
during the class
Thread & Needle
Barge Glue or Tandy Leather Cement
1 yard of medium weight light colored fabric
Paper for the pattern (Four sheets of 8 1/2 X 11" copy paper taped
together normally will work for one foot, with medieval shoes you really
need to have patterns for each foot.  Lady DuVessa will bring some of
pattern paper for those who wish it.)

NOTE:  For those who attended this class at King's College, Lady DuVessa
will be bringing information for those who were unable to make their
pattern because the class was cut short.  She will have everything to
make a pattern for those who wish it and a separate packet from the
King's College class.


There will also be a membership table set up at Gate for anyone
interested in submitting his or her application for membership.  Blank
application forms will be provided for completion, submit your check and
it will be submitted for you.

If your child will be participating in the Children's Championship one
of the events will involve water (sailboat making and races), please be
sure your child has clothing on that will not be ruined if gotten wet.

Clarification regarding electricity at the site.  We have
opted not offer this for the following reasons:

1. While there are electrical outlets on the parameter of the list
field, it is our desire to keep this
area as period as possible with no mundane camping or electrical usage
in these areas.  Only period pavilions will be permitted in the first
circle around the list field. An area is being set aside for period
camping.  All mundane camping is in a treed area behind Pavilion A, and
there is no electricity available in this area.

2. There is an area behind the site's B Pavilion with electrical
hook-ups.  These hook-ups require special adapters. The site owner
a rental fee for the adapters plus an increased charge for electrical
usage.  If we permit
campers/RVs to use any of these outlets, an extra charge for electrical
usage and adapter rental would result in a higher gate fee and be too
difficult to track.   Our contract with the site only includes
electricity for the two site pavilions and rest rooms.  Therefore, we
opted not to offer this in order to
keep the gate fee reasonable. 

We are sorry if this causes any inconvenience and hope it doesn't
prevent anyone from attending our event.  But, as stated previously, we
are attempting to the keep the area in view of the day's events as
period as possible.  There are hotels in the area which are posted on
our web page for your convenience

In service to Kingdom and Barony
Lady Isabeau Quiquandon, Event Steward Stargate Baronial
(m/k/a) Terri Walker
isabeauq at
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