ANST-Announce - War Practice after Coronation

neil starkey raimonddemora at
Thu Jan 4 18:32:34 PST 2001

Earlier this week I sent a message out saying that Elfsea will be hosting a 
War Practice after Coronation.  The plans have changed.  Our Sister Barony 
of Steppes is graciously concelling thier normal practice after 12th Night 
this weekend to support Elfsea's Mini-Tourney.  I think this is wonderful 
and very kind.  In turn, rather then Hogging All if the time.  Elfsea will 
join Steppes for a War Practice at Flagpole Hill in Dallas.  Lord Dux, who 
will be stepping in to the role of Steppes Knight Marshal, will have more 
info and schedule for this event.  Unfortunately, I have no contact 
information for him.  Please make the neccessary calendar changes and have 

In Service and Cooporation
HL Raimond
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