[Western] Western Region Fighter

chiang chiang at odsy.net
Thu Feb 21 21:05:21 PST 2002

    Greetings to the Fighters of the West,
It is just a few short weeks to Gulf Wars. I hope that most of you are
planning on going.
  It is time to get those last minute armor repairs done. If you need any
authorizations, please get in touch with me or an authorizing marshal. There
will not be any done at the War.
  For those of you going there are a couple of things that HG Kein would
like for you to do. He would like for people to have thrusters on their
swords or a stabbing weapon handy. Really good for those times when you can
stab but not swing. If you are using a spear, he would like you to have a
shield hook on it.
  For everyone that is wants to help out in any way, His Grace would also
like to have lots of throwing axes, more commonly called Pork chops.
  We are going to need lots of help this year. We will be most likely out
numbered when we get there. Also I would like to see a bigger turnout than
usual, being as the King and Queen are from the Western Region, we should
show up to support them. We had 29 fighters when HRM Aaron was the Kingdom
Warlord, now that he is King, we can beat that.
   Well I guess that is enough for now<G> See you at the War, I hope.
   Yours in Service,
   HE Chiang, Western Warlord

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