[Western] Crown Tournament - 5 Days and counting

HL Kainin Tepesa kainin at copycraft.com
Wed Mar 20 07:50:30 PST 2002

Greetings your Excellency,

I am afraid that I am at a disadvantage as I have not personally seen
the site, Honorable Lord Agnarr as been handling all the site related
issues for me. I cannot say for certain if there is a tree that you
can setup under. I would plan on bringing your pavilion just in case.
I have also gone ahead and made a feast reservation for you in case
you are able to stay for feast. Let me know what else I can do to

In service,

In service to the Dream,

Honorable Lord Kainin Tepesa
Baronial Court Herald & Bearer of the Baronial Noose
Western Regional Chronicler
Seneschal to the Barony of Bonwicke
in the Kingdom of Ansteorra

kainin at copycraft.com

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