[Western] Lubbock Cotton Kings Game

HL Kainin Tepesa kainin at copycraft.com
Sat Nov 16 14:08:39 PST 2002

Greetings unto the West,

We in Bonwicke have been doing demos at some of the Lubbock Cotton
Kings games and I am inviting you to the next game which is next
Saturday November 23rd. We work the door handing out flyers and doing
a little heavy fighting, then we have a section to watch and cheer
the game. I need people that would be willing to stay for the game
and help at the end saying goodbye to the crowds. If you are
interested in seeing a free hockey game please contact me at
seneschal at bonwicke.org, I have 17 tickets left and will be giving
them away on a first come first served basis. The games start at
7:00pm, but we need to be there an hour early. Let me know if you are

In service,

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