[Western] Heraldry in the Western Region

Cameron Cook bonwickejester at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 12 09:59:30 PST 2003

The following is posted for my wife, who was asked to
post this to the western list.

Ld. William Cameron


Unto the populous of the Western Region, greetings
from your Principal Herald.
I will be attending Bonwicke's 12th Night
celebration this weekend.  It is my hope that all
local heralds will take time during the day to drop by
and visit, at your convenience concerning heraldry in
the region.  I would also be interested in visiting
with any former or retired heralds with insight to
heraldry in the region.
Additionally, I would be very interested in meeting
with local seneschals of groups that do not have a
herald to inquire about the status of heraldry in
their groups.  And, I am always open to visits from
any of the populous with questions about heraldry.
Seigneur Etienne de Saint Amaranth, CSM
Star Principal Herald

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