[Western] Disappointed

Ld Angus ldangusm at cox.net
Tue Oct 7 18:17:10 PDT 2003

Unto the Western Region do I Ld Angus Matheson send greetings.

It is with a sad heart I too must claim mundane obligation keep me away from more events than I wish to miss. The West is a family and we do all work together for the greater good of our region. We have of late lost some of this regions strongest supporters and peers due to burn out and mundane reasons. We do need to some how help our numbers grow but the West will never have the population to draw from that the other regions enjoy but those of us that can need to help promote and nurture our region. I agree with Baron Gavin and Baron Kainin our strength is in our people. To that end when shall we schedule this meeting of Crescent Wrenches so we may make a calendar for our region and plan for future events. I for one would like to hold several practices before Gulf War so we my prepare as units and work together both on the heavy and light fields.

Western Region Rapier Marshal
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