[Western] Bonwicke's 12th night

maada bird maadathebird at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 5 19:43:53 PST 2004


The one and only Maada humbly thanks the populous for not taking up arms or 
beating me too much at 12th night.  You need not fear for you are sure to 
see more of Maada in the future.

Maada would also like to thank everyone that had a hand in the event.  It 
was great.  and I squeek in the direction of the ones that could not make it 
because you missed a really special event.

The rapier list reminded me why I started to play SCA not to win but just to 
have fun.  Maada truly hope every member of the list and on-lookers took a 
piece of that home with them. For we are all winners if we have enjoyed 
outself and our friends.

May all your balls never hit the ground at the same time,

Maada the Bird

AKA: me

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