[Western] Camping at Gulf

HE Chiang chiang at odsy.net
Mon Dec 20 20:43:53 PST 2004

  Greetings to the Western Region,
Well, I am the Land Coordinator for the Western Region. If you plan on 
camping with the Western Region, or Kingdom for that matter, at Gulf Wars 
this year, you will need to preregister.  This can be done at 
I will need: Name (SCA and modern)
                   Group you are camping with (us)
                   Tent size
                    Day of arrival
                    Age if under 18
You can email all that to me and I will get us the land needed. The last few 
years we have had a great site, may be a bit smaller this year, unless we 
can really bump up the numbers.
Some other info, that should be kept in mind, and I quote:
register at  www.gulfwars.org  here they can print the forms or register 
-All pre-registrations must be in or post-dated no later than Jan 31st
-All cabin request have to be in no later than Dec 15th
-For each person register a 15x15 area of land is reserved
-Godwin says that each group  will be allowed to reserve an extra communal 
pavilion (such as a baronial pavilion) in addition to the land they receive 
from pre-registered attendees.
 Often people will ask for additional tent space for kitchens and such. 
Other than the one extra communal pavilion, they can not have extra land, 
they will just have to play tetris with the space and tent set up that they 
are given.

Thanks for your time and effort.

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