[Western] Heraldry & Scribal Arts Classes

R C greywalker1 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 8 19:34:34 PST 2004

 Greetings to all good Gentles interested in Heraldry
and Scribal Arts. Mistress Rosalia di Bellavita has
been gracious enough to consent to come to Crossrode
Keep to give a heraldry class, and Master Darius of
the Bells is coming to teach Scribal Arts and
Illumination. I hope all of you who are interested in
these wonderful activities can be there and share your
experiences and maybe learn some new things. And as
for you more experienced Heralds, come by and share
your knowledge with us so we can enrich heraldry for
everyone. There is a Heralds warranting class
scheduled, so if you need to get warranted please
contact me so I can let Mistress Rosalia know how many
people are wanting to become warranted Heralds. There
will be a revel afterwards hosted by the Russian
Household of Crossrodes, with Bardic displays and
general merriment and relaxation.(here's your chance
to show how good of a bard you can be). There will be
a Gypsy stew, fruit, bread, and cheese there with
limited crash space if needed, directions available at
the class. B.Y.O.B. Hope to see you all there.

 P.S.- I know that this is close to Gulf War and is on
the same day as the CoH meeting, but I am hoping that
this opportunity could be used by those who really
want to help expand and enrich thier knowledge of
heraldry and scribal arts.
 WHEN: Saturday, March 6, 2004.  The hall opens at

 WHERE:  Fellowship Hall, First Presbyterian Church,
Big Spring, TX, located at the intersection of 7th and
Runnels Streets.(Same place as Crecent Wrench I)

  The easiest way to get there is to come into Big
Spring on Hwy 87.  Stay on it until it becomes S.
Gregg Street through Big Spring. Stay on S. Gregg
until you get to W 7th St, and turn east.  Continue
east on 7th St. till you get to Runnels St.  Stop at
that big, Gothic-styled building.  The door we'll be
using is the glass door on the north end of the
building, the 7th Street side.  CAUTION: Big Spring
has two 7th streets!  If you're coming from the north,
skip NW 7th, and continue on south till you drive over
the viaduct, then start looking for W 7th St. An
easily visible landmark is the "Advance Auto Parts"
sign--turn east there.

     Tarasii syn Dmitrii Rostislavich
       Crossrode Keep
        greywalker1 at yahoo.com

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