[Western] Tournament in Bonwicke

HE Kainin Tepesa kainin at copycraft.com
Wed Jun 2 15:53:51 PDT 2004

Greetings unto all the good gentles of the Western Region,

On Saturday the 19th of this month we will be having a tournament in 
Bonwicke and we invite all of you to come (Stevens Park - 75th and 
Slide Road in Lubbock). We will have chivalric as well and rapier 
fighting (standard double elimination - open weapon styles), and arts 
and sciences contest/display and in the evening a Western Ansteorra 
style feast.

This is a big demo opportunity for us. We have announced it on local 
television and will have the newspaper there to do a story that day, 
so we are asking for as many of our friends in the Region, and 
beyond, to come as possible. We will begin the day at 10:00am (9:00am 
if you want to help set up), with the fighting starting around 
11:30am and will fight, display, drum, dance, entertain and interact 
with the public until 6:00pm. After that we will grill some burgers 
and hot dogs and have a good time.

We need fighters, we need artisans with their displays, we need you. 
Please come and join us. Email me at kainin at copycraft.com, if you 
plan on attending.

Many thanks,
Kainin - Baron of Bonwicke

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