[Western] Sat, the 19th

kate mills serafinadegratia at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 10 07:03:05 PDT 2004

Greetings to all in the Western Region!
As you may have heard, Bonwicke will be hosting a "Picnic in the Park" on June 19th, at Jack Stevens Park in Lubbock. The park is located at 75th & Slide Road. The event will start at 10am, and last until around 6pm. (After 6, we will close the event to the public, and have a cookout. We will do it potluck, but everyone needs to bring drinks for themselves for dinner.) There will be chivalric as well as rapier fighting, and an A&S display. On that topic, I want to invite everyone who is planning to attend to bring with them some examples of A&S. It doesn't have to be big. I will have a few tables set up, one of them serving as an information booth, so your piece will be supervised throughout the day. This event is designed to encourage the public to come and get a good look at who we are and what we do.  Therefore, I would like to get a healthy range of A&S to show people the variety of interests that we pursue. Also, a reporter from the Lubbck Avalanche Journal is coming that day to
 write an article about us, so we need as many impressive people and things to photograph as possible.This region is full of talented artisans, so please look around and see if there is anything you would like to bring and display. 
Thank you all so much for helping us to make this day a success!
Ly. Serafina de Gratia

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