[Western] Re: [Ansteorra] Bonwicke's new site...

estarkey estarkey at camalott.com
Wed Feb 23 19:30:59 PST 2005

Cool site.  even loads well on a (very slow) dial up like mine.  Great job.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: paula hanna 
  To: Kingdom of Ansteorra - SCA, Inc. ; bonwicke ; western region 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2005 4:30 PM
  Subject: Re: [Ansteorra] Bonwicke's new site...

  And while we're doling out thanks where they are due, I do not wish to overlook my
  lord-husband, Baron Kainin, who has spent countless hours converting my designwork to a
  web-suitable format. My computer knowledge stops with the use of Adobe Illustrator, and I
  am amazed and grateful for him spearheading this endeavor.

  Oh, and, really...go check out the site. www.bonwicke.org

  Lady Bonwicke

  --- HE Kainin Tepesa <kainintepesa at yahoo.com> wrote:

  > Greetings good gentles,
  > I wish to announce the launch of the Barony of
  > Bonwicke's new website and invite you to stop by and
  > have a look.
  > http://www.bonwicke.org/
  > Several people need to be thanked for this effort. 
  > First, my lady wife, Baroness Oriana, who put her
  > mundane design skills to work and created one of the
  > most beautiful sites I have ever seen. She gets all
  > the kudos for the eye catching look and artistic feel
  > of this wonderful new site.
  > Secondly, Lord Tristan, who worked long hours to come
  > up with the simplest HTML code I have ever seen. The
  > entire website, graphics and pictures included, fit on
  > a 3.5 floppy disk when he was done. It is a marvel,
  > thank you for making the page come to life.
  > Lastly, to our Web Minister, Lord William, many thanks
  > are due. We purchased the space at bonwicke.org 4 or 5
  > years ago, with the intention of one day designing a
  > website and getting it up (such as you are seeing
  > today) but something always seemed to get in the way.
  > Lord William took it upon himself to learn web design
  > so that he could create something to fill the space on
  > our new cyber home. He has been toiling, ever since
  > then, making sure that we had a page that was current
  > and informative while the new page was being built. I
  > do not want him to be lost in the shine of this new
  > site, his work on the old page and continued work
  > maintaining this new one is invaluable. 
  > In service,
  > Kainin Tepesa
  > Baron of Bonwicke
  > My apologies if you get this more than once, I am just
  > very excited about this new site.
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