[Western] Prizes for Sundered Shield IV

agnarr agnarr at cox.net
Wed Jul 13 02:55:24 PDT 2005

BlankSorry for any multiple posting you may recieve 

At the request of the autocrat for Sundered Shield VI.  I have just posted some pictures of the prizes that we will be giving away on July 22 - 24th to our new champions in Armored Combat, Rapier Combat, Archery, Axe, Knife and Spear, Arts & Sciences as well as our Titled Bard Competition.  

So please take a minute to look at these prizes and then come join the Shire of Crossrode Keep as we host Sundered Shield VI.  

A link to the shire of Crossrode Keep event webpage for more information on the event(http://www.geocities.com/crossrodekeep/Sundered-Shield.html

Or you can view the pictures directly at

And remember that this year we are also hosting a bardic symposium throughout the day on saturday that is being taught by some of the best bards in the Kingdom. 

So after seeing all this what more can you do on the weekend of the 22nd of July for the low price of just $8.00 for adults and $4.00 per child?  (Family cap of $24.00).

I remain in the Service to the Kingdom and the Dream

HL Agnarr Thorvaldsson
Shire of Crossrode Keep
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