[Western] Thank You's for Bonwicke Champions

HE Chiang chiang at nts-online.net
Sun May 1 21:03:37 PDT 2005

I would like to take a few minutes, to express my deepest gratitude for the 
help that was given me at Bonwicke's Champion's last weekend.
First to Their Excellencies for allowing me to be their event steward. The 
honor that was given me meant so much.
To Lord Godfrey, the help you gave seemed to me, sometimes that you did more 
for the event than I did.
Ladies Liaden and Kristy, Lords Bastion and William, thanks for doing the 
gate a sometimes thankless chore.
The Corsairs that helped me tear down the merchants pavilion, you still have 
half a week before I go back to picking on you. Thanks guys, I apologize for 
not getting all your names, but then sometimes I am lucky to remember my 
Rowan, thanks for waterbearing for us, you are a dear as well as a 
HE Safiye, as always you come thru as my list mistress, what would we do 
with out you? And not to forget the Light fighters, thanks again Ldy Liaden.
Last but certainly never least, the lovely and gracious Lady Ysoulde, who 
along with her talented Galley Crew (HL Ryah, Lds Angus and Byron, M'ldy 
Orin & Brittany) did such a great job on the feast. She is someone who I 
highly recommend when it comes to cooking a feast.
A few words can never truly express my thanks for all of your help and 
encouragement. If I have forgotten anyone, I do apologize most humbly.
I am and remain, yours in service,
HE Chiang, Centurion
Event Steward for Bonwicke's Champions 

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