[Western] Illuminated Threads Guild news

jlusk@crcom.net jlusk at crcom.net
Fri Nov 25 10:46:02 PST 2005

Greetings to all, and Happy Holidays!

Speaking of holidays, I wanted to remind everyone that the Illuminated
Threads Guild is skipping its regularly scheduled Nov and Dec meetings. 
However, we will be meeting Saturday, December 10 (same time, same place
as usual) for our usual project work, *plus* a Christmas party.  We'll be
bringing potluck goodies and handwork-themed gifts ($10 max) for Chinese
gift-giving fun.  Please come join us!

Also, we're expecting Lady Prudence of the new kingdom-wide embroidery
guild to meet with us and tell us all about the guild, as well as
demonstrate some projects the guild is currently working on.

It all should make for a fun, informative day.  Hope you can come!

Your friend,
Lady Elewys

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