[Western] Middle Eastern Dance @ Bonwicke

paula hanna pippermint at sbcglobal.net
Tue Apr 25 15:32:37 PDT 2006

A forwarded message from Lady Cahira:

Greetings from Cahira!

Quickly approaching is this weekend's Champions of Bonwicke event.  To the best of my
knowledge, there has been no official planning of any dancing.

So, to that effect, I plan on attending and bringing a cd player, some music, some extra 
hip sashes, and my dance-wear.  If anyone is planning on attending who is currently a
Middle Eastern dancer, I enjoin you to bring your dance gear as well and join me Saturday
evening in some improv dancing.

With their excellencies approval and help, I hope to set up an outdoor area appropriate
for dancing.

Also, if you've been dying to learn Middle Eastern dance but have never "gotten around to
it," drop me an email (cahira_of_bonwicke at yahoo.com).  I teach at a Middle Eastern dance
studio in the Houston (Clear Lake) area, so I have a few years of experience with
instructing beginners at dance.  If there is enough interest, I will teach some basics
(maybe in the hall) during the afternoon.

Look for me...I'll be there with zils on!


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