[Western] Bonwicke's Twelfth Night - Feast Reservations

Allene Price prc_lln at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 18 22:21:38 PST 2006

SCA name ---Alexandrina Ya Suka
  Mundane name-- Allene Jahnel
  # of reservations--- 2 please

paula hanna <pippermint at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
  Good Gentles,

For those wishing to reserve seats at the feast for Bonwicke's Twelfth Night on January
6th, I will need the following information:

Your SCA Name
Your Mundane Name
Number of Reservations

NOTE: Please be aware that the email address in the web link will bounce back due to the
"inbox being full". I assure you, it isn't. I receive your emails even though it gives
you the impression I am not. (Naughty, evil Zoot.) I will send you a confirmation that
your reservations have been received in good order.

Other things to know:
Feast is limited to 100 and is $6/person.
Children under 5 do not count toward the reservation quota and eat free.

I look forward to hearing from everyone.

Baroness Oriana
Twelfth Night Co-Steward


Due to the nearly 100 percent likelihood of the bird flying away during the process of uprooting, transporting and replanting, "partridge in a pear tree" ranks just slightly ahead of "cat on a helicopter blade" as a practical gift.
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