[Western] Gulf Wars Camping

HE Chiang chiang at nts-online.net
Sat Jan 21 08:52:03 PST 2006

  Hey time is getting short to pre registered for Gulf Wars. Last chance to 
mail registration is Jan 31, must not be post marked after that to count. On 
line registration goes until Feb 15.
  You must be pre registered to camp with the Kingdom. Put that you are 
camping with Western/Rhoadd group. I will need the size of your tent, 
including ropes. SCA and Modern Name. So far very few have contacted me 
about camp space.
  I do look forward to seeing many of you there. Gulf Wars is always  a 
great time, more shopping than you can shake a stick at, and enough fighting 
to make that same stick shake.

  Yours in service,
  HE Chiang, Land guy for the Western Region

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