[Western] Bonwicke Champions Bardic Competition

hippiechickmama at aol.com hippiechickmama at aol.com
Fri Mar 23 09:06:56 PDT 2007

Greetings to My Fellow Ansteorrans! 
Be it known that Bonwicke is celebrating her Silver Anniversary this fine year!
In honor of our Bounteous Barony, the Bards of Bonwicke hereby announce a competition to be held during Champions, April 27-29, in Lamesa, Texas.  For more information about Champions, see the website at  http://www.bonwicke.org/champions.html 
Each performer should prepare two pieces of his or her choice for the competition.  Pieces celebrating Bonwicke’s Silver Anniversary are not required but will receive extra points.
When arriving at the event, please notify me, Lady Beornwyn, of your intent to perform so I can get you on the list for the competition.  Dancers and muscians may compete for the Bardic prize as well.  Competition will take place during feast.
On Behalf of those Boisterous Bards of Bonwicke,
Ldy. Beornwyn aet Defenascire
Barony of Bonwicke
hippiechickmama at aol.com
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