[Western] A Day in the Ottoman Empire

rizardo dartusio rizardodartusio at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 22 10:27:15 PDT 2007

For those of you who were not able to attend the "Day in the Ottoman Empire,"  I'm sorry to say you missed a great event.  But despair not, for I have pictures of the event at the Piczo site below:
Check out the 3 pages of pictures: Defender of Trelac fighters, people and court.  To those of you who were there, I'm sorry if I didn't capture you on film.  My photos were inspired more by artistic considerations than compiling an accurate record of the event.  Lighting, color, composition, lack of mundane objects in the picture were more important than whose picture got taken.  As far as the event goes, it was one of the most enjoyable Celonise and I have attended.  The weather was mild, the food fantastic and the companionship without equal.  They were many awards given, but the one entry that carried no award with it, should have received one anyway.  The meal prepared under Behiye's leadership with the help of Mistress Martha, Lady Caite,  and Lady Jamie (I hope I listed everyone) was the best and most exotic we have ever had at an SCA event.  Thanks and Congratulations.  The bardic circle run by Baron Gavin was very enjoyable as wasthe belly
 dancing by Behiye and friends, and special presentation on Middle Eastern persona by Asad.
Other awards were as follows:
Chivalric:  Chiang
Rapier: Rizardo
Ax knife and Spear: Herbacius
A & S: Herbacius
Bardic: Muirghein
I hope I got this all right, and if I misspelled you name please feel free to correct me.  My many thanks for those that supported Celonise's and my nominations for Award of Arms. Celonise also wishes to thank Noah and George the Instigator's daughter (sorry we don't have your name) for help with the water bearing.
Lord Rizardo and Lady Celonise

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