[Western] Where do we go from here

muirghein muirghein at plaiddragon.net
Mon Jan 7 20:24:24 PST 2008

We want to add our voices to the numerous positive messages that are
beginning to appear on this list. 


We know that what has happened is devastating. We know that some of our
closest friends are angry and hurting right now. This causes us pain, as
well. Faolon and I LOVE this region and everyone in it. This is our home.
This has ALWAYS been our home. However, this is not the end. Kingdom has
agreed to do something unprecedented by holding the names & devices of
groups that are being dissolved in perpetuity, rather than only a finite
time, as is set down in law. Like a phoenix, our region can rise from the
ashes as something great and beautiful and powerful and new. We are the
WESTERN REGION! We are fighters, each and every one of us! We ARE survivors!


The history of this region cannot be erased by the edict of one king. The
Western Region, the Western Alliance, the people of the western portion of
the great state of Texas will remain. We will always be who we are. We have
honor. We have dignity. We have strength. We have an undaunted spirit that
keeps us going, even through the toughest of times. No one can take that
from us. It has been the willingness of our people to selflessly rotate our
offices amongst ourselves that has kept us going and kept us unified as long
as we have. It is our friendship and love of one another that has made us
one. Just because the administrative borders are changing, we do not have to
change with it. We will remain what has made the Western Region a mighty
force. We will remain friends and family. Rizardo said it very well. The
feeling among the members of this region truly transcends that of family and
friends. We are something greater, something more amazing than anything
Faolon or I have ever before experienced. 


Do not leave us, any of you. Jean-Marc was correct. We need you. If this
wound needs time to heal for you, take the time you need, but return to us,
strong and whole. And do not forget that we are your friends and that we
love you. Do not lose sight of that. Take this incredibly unfair situation
and use it to prove to the rest of the Kingdom what we already know. That we
are the most honorable, dignified, chivalrous and the most united region in
the kingdom, whether admin says we exist or not. Tell them where they went
wrong, but do it with dignity and honor, not anger and hurt. We are all
better than that. Prove it to them. We will have to take our hits and call
them good. Let's use those blows to hone our skills and spirits into
something even better. It can be done. Already, the fervor this has caused
has created ripples that have brought long lost friends out in our support.
It has also inspired some of our new members to join our shield wall in
defense of who we are, though they are still just discovering it for
themselves. Show them what it means to be the Western Region.

Thank you for being our friends. Thank you for giving us a family that we
never thought possible. Know that we will always be there for each of you.


In service to the greatest dream,

Lord Faolon Muirchu & Lady Muirghein MacKiernan

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