[Western] Gothic Road Names

agnarr agnarr at suddenlink.net
Tue Jan 15 17:32:44 PST 2008

Well I was thinking that the site would need to have about 10 to 12 names overall.
This including some place names: such as the pavilion, melee field, parking area, archery and thrown weapon areas, ect.   So a list of at least that many names will most likely be required. 

As I am still in the process of making the file Toshiro sent me to an actual map of the site that can be easily printed for our groups to use at their events so the actual number of roads and places in need of names is still in a "To Be Determined" state at this time.  (I think the name 'The Western Way" for the main road is probably a given).  
Once the rough version of the map is done; I will be posting the map on a website to share with everyone on this list; (this list strips attachments) that way everyone can think about what each road and area should be called, before we do an actual vote (hopefully the choices when we vote can be in a manner similar to what Quill has suggested). 

Names for Roads at Gothic War
Am Lock Ave.  
Adlersruhe Rd.
Blacklake Path
Bonwicke's Blvd
Crossrode's Square
Mendersham St
Treloc Trail
Crazy Cad's Crossing (or Cad the Crazed's Crossing)
Crane's Circle
Corsair's Corner
Western Way
DelaRosa Way
Thunder Circle
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