[Western] Gothic Road Names

paula hanna pippermint at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jan 16 07:47:20 PST 2008

Salve, Dear West,

I think naming the roads at Gothic is a tremendous idea! And I'm thrilled to be getting a
map! I LOVE maps. Good job, fellas!

Just some food for thought **WARNING - HISTORY LESSON ENSUING**, the word "Boulevard"
doesn't mean "road" in medieval times. Here's a link to an encyclopedic entry: 


Or if you would like the short version, it was a gangplank for mounting artillery, and it
wasn't really put into use until the 1700s. "Avenue" works the same way. It was military
in origin, and wasn't commonplace until way after 1600.

The other road nomenclature (a word that came around in the mid-1600s ;o) I like. Those
other two just sound too modern for me. 

Thanks for listening to the sometime-period-stickler ramble. ;o)


--- agnarr <agnarr at suddenlink.net> wrote:

> Names for Roads at Gothic War
> Am Lock Ave.  
> Adlersruhe Rd.
> Blacklake Path
> Bonwicke's Blvd
> Crossrode's Square
> Mendersham St
> Treloc Trail
> Crazy Cad's Crossing (or Cad the Crazed's Crossing)
> Crane's Circle
> Corsair's Corner
> Western Way
> DelaRosa Way
> Thunder Circle


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