[Western] Western Digest, Vol 23, Issue 5

Quill gray.quill at gmail.com
Sat Mar 8 00:02:00 PST 2008

I didn't know that "The Laclore" had fallen into disuse. Is this name change
because the "Trelac-based" newsletter now covers more than Trelac itself?
(Sorry if that's an obvious question, but remember I'm way out of the loop
here.) What is the new name supposed to reflect? (New purpose, new
character, new audience, new source/s, etc?) Just like to know some
background before I start throwing out suggestions.

/|\ Quill

Message: 2
> Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2008 15:59:39 -0600
> From: "Anton Zemlock III" <a.zemlock at suddenlink.net>
> Subject: [Western] Newsletter Name
> To: "'Western Region of Ansteorra - SCA,Inc.'"
>        <western at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Message-ID: <05EDBD8774BC4ED7A2CB335A68BA28E1 at Office>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> The newsletter for the Shire of Trelac is taking suggestions for a new
> name.
> The current name of Laclore (sp) has fallen into disuse. As a symbol of
> Trelac's commitment during this tumultuous time, we will be taking
> submissions from the "new" populace as well as the "old." Please send me
> your suggestions before the next populace meeting.
> Arwyn Ladouee
> Chronicler of Trelac
> **************************************

In service to The Dream and Dreamers all,
Cuillioc /|\ "Quill"
Titled Bard of the Barony of Bonwicke

"It is said that the Devil never crossed the Tamar into Cornwall on account
of the well-known habit of Cornish women of putting everything into a pasty,
and that he was not sufficiently courageous to risk such a fate!"

-From the cookbook _Cornish Recipes Ancient and Modern_
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