No subject

Fri May 9 23:27:25 PDT 2014

HE Gavin Mac Iain
Lady Alimaith

To reserve your space with the rest of these individuals for the Western Re=
gion in the Ansteorran Encampment; you will need to PRE-RESERVE.   If you h=
ave not already pre-reserved the deadline for all pre-reservations is that =
they must be postmarked by the end of the month. (Which is now only 10 days=
 away.)    So if you are going to the War, but you can not find a copy of t=
he reservation form, you can easily download this form and many other forms=
 at   Just remember to list your camping
Group as the Western Region, and the Kingdom as Ansteorra.

Now, if you have already made your pre-reservation (and saved a few dollars=
), but you have not contacted me saying your going to the war; or if your n=
ame is not on the above list.  Please contact me ASAP off list at Agnarr at qu= or by phone: 1-915-393-5980 any time after 6pm.   I am collecting th=
e information so Sir Pendaran can properly lay out the area that we will be=
 needing in the Kingdom Encampment.   When you contact me please have the f=
ollowing information on each person that you are pre-reserving:  Mundane Na=
me,  SCA Name,  Adult or Child, Local Group, Size of your Tent (Length, Wid=
th and Height ); and on what day that you are planning to arrive.

I Remain in Service to the Kingdom and the Dream.

HL Agnarr Thorvaldsson


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