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<P>The Amazon Household will once again hold the amazing <STRONG>Amazon Chattel Auction</STRONG> on Saturday night at Gothic War. The purpose of the Amazon Auction is to fill the <STRONG>War Chest</STRONG> of the Western Region. There will be information on how to play this fun game at the gate.</P>
<P><STRONG>ANY and ALL ladies </STRONG>are invited to participate. Bring all of the <STRONG>SCA related items </STRONG>you wish to use for bidding to the event. On Saturday come to the Amazon camp and the items will be traded for <STRONG>$$t</STRONG>okens for the auction.</P>
<P><STRONG>All Fighters beware</STRONG> - the Holy Order of St. John's Wort will be out and about on Sunday at the Memorial Tourney for Master Cadwallader. We will be carrying the infamous <STRONG>Rhino Hide Favors</STRONG>. This is one favor that you do not wish to receive - we sincerely promise. Please do your best to fight with honor and chivalry and grace.</P>
<P>In Service,</P>
<P>Baroness Janais L'orfevre</P>
<P>Amazon Household<BR><BR></P></DIV>